Committing to a healthy lifestyle is just about eating clean and hitting the gym right?

Not quite!

One of the reasons I was so drawn to Holistic Nutrition was because the education was about so much more than just food. It was about how the body works synergistically with all aspects of our being, which in turn shapes our health. Meaning that stress, sleeping habits, relationships, self-esteem, our environment, nutrition, exercise and even our personal care products, all affect the degree of wellness we will experience.

I’m so intrigued by all the different factors that can affect our health, even when you put food and nutrition aside. Although I love all aspects of food, especially eating it, I wanted to dedicate a post to the importance of choosing natural personal care and household products, because I think it’s such an important component to health that is often overlooked. Before I dive into the reasons why choosing natural products is better for your health, take a look at the list below of some of the products I’m referring to:

  • body wash
  • shampoo
  • dry shampoo
  • deodorant
  • hairspray or other styling products
  • skin care
  • makeup
  • toothpaste
  • mouthwash
  • nail polish
  • tampons
  • body/hand lotion
  • sunscreen
  • perfume or fragranced body spray
  • candles
  • air fresheners (including car)
  • household cleaning products
  • laundry detergent
  • dryer sheets
  • plastic food container

Have you used any of these products today? If you’re like the majority of the population you’ve probably used or consumed most of the things on the list in the past 24 hours. If you’re wondering how these products negatively affect your health, keep reading.

Unfortunately, the majority of these products are filled with toxic substances that can cause negative health effects including allergies and cancer and they can also be very disruptive to our hormones. Hormones regulate processes in our body such as metabolism, energy, mood, fertility, sex drive, and sleep. When these delicate hormones are disrupted through toxic chemicals you’re using daily you might start to notice the side effects – weight gain, lack of sleep, allergies, moodiness, and infertility are just a few.

Some experts argue that the number of toxic chemicals in these products is so minimal that it doesn’t actually affect your health (eyeroll). But if you consider how many of these products you use on a daily basis, multiplied by the days, months or years you’ve been using them, that minimal amount isn’t so minimal anymore. You also need to consider that your skin is your body’s largest organ, and anything you put on your skin gets absorbed directly into your bloodstream. One or two of these products once in a while, our bodies could probably handle – however I’m guessing you’re using more than one or two.

Now before you start thinking we’re all doomed and you have to start living like a hippy, I have some good news for you. There are now countless companies out there providing non-toxic options for all of those household products I’ve listed above, and they’re great!  Here’s a list of some of my favourite companies:

Don’t stress if you’ve never even heard of these brands before, and don’t think you have to change everything over right away. I would recommend you slowly start replacing your products as they run out over time with some of these cleaner brands.



Do you use any natural personal care or household products? Let me know what some of your favourite brands are in the comments below!