Starting, Monday, September 5th, 2022
Before I tell you more about this life changing experience
You’re a go-getter, and for the most part, you know what foods you need to eat to feel your best. But what you’re really struggling with, is finding something that’s sustainable long term, without the need to count calories or spend hours in the gym. You’ve tried everything to shed excess weight and feel great in your body. The problem is, nothing ever sticks long-term because eventually, you get bored with “health” foods, and you just want to be able to eat the same as everyone else.
This is for you if…
You know what you need to do to feel your best, but once you’re in the cycle of not eating well, you find it difficult to find your way again
You feel pulled to make some changes because you lack energy, don’t sleep well, have lingering aches and pains, and overall just don’t feel your best
You just want something you can stick to long term, that doesn’t require boring food, and will give you the energy and confidence you’re looking for
Welcome to
This is a thirty-day experiment. It’s not another fad diet, quick fix, or weight-loss program. It’s thirty days of self-care. Thirty days of healthy eating. Thirty days of community – and realizing you can change your life through food.
The premise is simple…
Certain foods could be having a negative impact on your health, habits, and relationship with food. Do you ever have low energy, lack quality sleep, have skin issues, digestive problems, aches and pains, or seasonal allergies? You might be surprised to find out that the food you eat could be having a negative impact on your overall health. For 3o days we eliminate the foods that have been demonstrated by science to cause unhealthy habits, burden your immune system, and damage your digestive tract. After thirty days we slowly and systematically reintroduce these foods to determine a unique eating style for you!
Cutting out sugar, alcohol and processed foods will have you sleeping like a baby and waking up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This can have a profound effect on your overall health and it’s an added benefit most participants don’t expect.
Since you’ll be getting a great night’s sleep, and ditching those energy-zapping foods, your blood sugar levels typically remain more stable. This means consistently high energy throughout the day. We call this – Tiger Blood!
One of the comments I hear most often during a round of Whole30 is how delicious and satisfying the meals are. Think you have to eat raw salads and drink green juice to feel your best. Nope! I’ll show you how it’s done!
Once you reset your “sugar dragon” you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how little you think about those sugary and/or salty treats you love. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. Plus, if I can tame my sugar dragon, anyone can!
After you get over the initial hump of cravings, you’ll feel much more in control around food and the choices you make. Food will no longer control your life. YOU are now in the drivers seat.
The Whole30 is not a weight-loss program or any sort of quick-fix crash diet. It’s a complete paradigm shift and a new way to look at food and your life. Since you’re wondering though, about 95% of participants do experience weight loss.
Testimonials from thousands of Whole30 participants reveaL…
significant changes in lifestyle-related conditions such as…
✔︎ high-cholesterol
✔︎ high blood pressure
✔︎ heartburn
✔︎ diabetes
✔︎ infertility
✔︎ allergies & more
Week One:
Preparation Week
You’ll have a full week to get acquainted with the Whole30 rules, stock your pantry, plan your meals, and ask any questions you have before we begin. We will also have our first Facebook Live where I’ll show you how I get prepared for my Whole30, my favourite compatible brands and I’ll go over all the rules in detail. I’ll also give you my best tips and strategies to make your journey a breeze!
Week Two:
Navigating Your Whole30
Week two is, go time! This is when we officially start the Whole30 and when you finally get to start eating all of those delicious meals you’ve been preparing for. In our Facebook Live, I’ll be there to answer all of your burning questions, give you ideas for busting your cravings and make sure you’re a pro at reading your labels.
Week Three:
Understanding the Integrity of Whole30
By week three you’ll already feel like a Whole30 expert! You’ll be making new recipes, reading your food labels with ease, and offering support to others in our private Facebook group. I’ll also make sure you’re fully aware of the integrity of the Whole30 and how you can get the absolute most out of your experience. Because no one wants to do this for 30 days and only reap some of the benefits right?
Week Four:
Troubleshooting Your Whole30
During week four you will be well on your way to noticing your non-scale victories! Your clothes will feel looser, your skin will be brighter and you’ll feel in complete control around food. If there’s anything unexpected going on – I’m there to help! I know exactly where many of my clients start to feel stuck, and this is where I jump in to make sure you finish strong and get the results you’re looking for.
Week Five:
One of the most important parts of your Whole30 journey will be learning how the foods you eliminated affect you once reintroduced. After the 30-days I’ll show you how to carefully and systematically reintroduce each food group to determine what work best for your unique body.
Week Six:
Food Freedom
Once you successfully complete your Whole30 and reintroduction phase, you’ll be ready to graduate to food freedom! You’ll be choosing the foods you want to eat, when you want to eat them, and feeling confident in your decisions. This is your food freedom and you make the rules here.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how approachable the Whole30 meals are. You won’t have to become a short-order cook to participate. Your whole family will love these meals.
A comprehensive 20-page guide including the complete Whole30 rules and resources, my favourite staple recipes, pantry stocking guide, meal planning template & more!
Ask your burning questions, connect with other members, share what you’re making, and get my best tips and strategies for a successful Whole30. This is one of my favourite parts of the program!
Join us for a weekly Facebook Live where I’ll help you navigate Whole30 week-by-week and we can connect on a more personal level.
Each and every day I’ll post a motivational note inside the private Facebook group to support, guide, and inspire you along the way.
Participate in the conversation, share your successes, and get to know others in the group in our scheduled Zoom meetings.
the client love
Yes! In fact, one of the things clients tell me most often is how much their families enjoyed the Whole30 recipes. The meals are filling, nutrient dense and perfect for the whole family.
While I do give participants a full 30-day meal plan and encourage everyone to try new recipes, it’s always up to you what you make. The majority of the recipes from the meal are quick and easy and will come together in less than thirty minutes. However, some of the recipes will require more time and might be best left for a weekend. Again, you are always free to make your meals as simple as possible as long as you’re following the program.
Yes! I get this question a lot from clients in small towns. I would say 98% of the ingredients in my meal plan are available at any local grocery store. The recipes are primarily made up of meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. There might be the odd ingredient you don’t find, but in that case, you could order the item online, or just skip that recipe. There are more than enough recipes to last you thirty days.
There are also a ton of Whole30 convenience foods available online if you want to experiment with Whole30 ketchup, coffee creamer, salad dressings, and beyond.
Yes! You’ll have access to over 45 recipes with a ton of variety. If you don’t eat a certain food, just skip the recipes that have it. I’ll also give you my favourite resources where you can search for your own Whole30 recipes.
The nature of Whole30 requires animal protein. If you’re still curious about the program, you can certainly find resources online about doing a vegan or vegetarian Whole30. Since this is not my area of expertise, I am unable to provide you with adequate support in this area.
Yes! You can find everything you need online and commit to doing a Whole30 on your own. However doing the program with a Certified Whole30 Coach, along with an entire group of dedicated participants creates a greater sense of accountability, and you’ll be much more likely to see the program through to the end.
Plus, the additional resources, expertise, personal experience, and daily communication will ensure you get a deeper and more thorough Whole30 experience. Because who wants to spend 30 days doing Whole30 and not get the absolute most out of the experience?
No. Unless for unseen circumstances I am unable to facilitate the group.
No problem! Send me an email here and let’s chat about what’s holding you back.
You’ve been desperate for a change. You’ve tried everything and nothing ever feels right or brings on lasting results.
I can’t stress enough that this will change your life. One of the most famous lines in the Whole30 program is this: “It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating Cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard.” You need this and you can do it.
This is for the greatest and most important cause in your entire life – the one and only body you’ll ever have. You have what it takes, and I have your back. Even if you’re scared, do it scared.
Have we met yet?
If we haven’t met yet, I’m Amanda! I grew up in London, Ontario but I’m currently living the Okanagan lifestyle with my fiance Greg here in Kelowna, BC. I graduated from Dalhousie University in 2014 and went back to school at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in 2016 to earn my designation as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I’ve also been through the complete Whole30 training and I am one of five Certified Whole30 Coaches in Canada! My absolute favorite part about my job as a nutritionist is watching people transform their lives even when they didn’t think it was possible.
I did my first Whole30 over 5 years ago because I was frustrated with my constant cravings for sugar and sweets. I thought I lacked willpower and wished there was a way I could stop with yo-yo dieting. After my first round, Whole30 taught me that my sugar cravings could be tamed and I could have more energy than I ever thought possible if I just gave my body a break. I still do the Whole30 each time I host a group coaching because I love the reset it gives my body and I love being “in it” with you all!
I can’t wait to learn more about you and help you discover ultimate health through the Whole30 and beyond!